2023 SC Truck Driving Championships
4/28/2023 - 4/30/2023
When: April 28 & 29, 2023
Sunday, April 30 is hotel check-out
Field Course: Midlands Technical College - Airport Campus West Columbia, SC
Headquarters Hotel: DoubleTree 2100 Bush River Rd., Columbia, SC 29210.
Rooming link will be sent via email after paperwork is received.
•Driver must be domiciled in South Carolina & regularly performs the duties of a professional truck driver.
•Has an accident-free driving record of at least 12 months prior to the TDC competition.
•Meets DOT physical requirements.
•Must have been employed continuously by the same for 12 months prior to the competition.
•Driver’s company MUST be an SCTA member.
•A company representative must be present to assist with the running of the TDC.
Before competing, each driver must have ALL of the following turned in at registration:
•PAID entry fee
•copy of your CDL and current MVR
•completed SCTA Safety Management Council Entry & Release form
•completed TR-I & TR-2 forms Entry Fee: $130.00 per driver contestant ($100.00 per Dump Truck contestant) — includes two (2) banquet tickets for the driver and a non-company representative.
Entry deadline is Friday, April 7. No registration forms or changes in the class the driver is competing will be accepted after this date. (Books will be mailed only upon request as soon as they are made available.)
Classes of Competition: Straight Truck; 3-Axle Van; 4-Axle Van; 5-Axle Van; 5-Axle Sleeper Berth; 5-Axle Flatbed; 5-Axle Tank; 5-Axle Twin Trailer; Step Van; and Straight Dump Truck.
2100 Bush River Rd.
Columbia, SC 29210 United States
Field Course: Midlands Technical College - Airport Campus West Columbia,
SC Headquarters Hotel: Embassy Suites 200 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 803-252-8700 or via the web here.
(ignore the fact that the page is currently labeled "2018" as the dates are correct for 2019 and the hotel is updating it on their end)
Friday, April 28
3:00 pm Registration...................................DoubleTree
4:15 pm Roll Call
4:30 pm Written Exam
5:30 pm Educational Session - TBD (Failure to attend will lead to a deduction of 5 points)
6:00 pm Virtual Field Course Walk-Through
Saturday, April 29
7:30 am Contestants & Judges Assemble.............MTC
7:30 am Roll Call
8:00 am Driver Competition...................................MTC
Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspections
7:00 pm Awards Banquet............................DoubleTree