2023 SEP 1 Labor Day Safety Break

Friday, September 1, 2023 (9:30 AM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)


Help us get spread highway safety message to passenger vehicle drivers:

  • Share the Road/Blind Spot Demonstration! 
  • Free Refreshments! 
  • On-site Safety Professionals Answering Motorists Questions! 
  • Highway Safety Information! 

Orangeburg EB Rest Area on I-26
I-26 Eastbound Rest Area/Welcome Center at Mile Marker 150.5
Orangeburg, SC United States
Event Contact
Taryn Shekitka
(803) 799-4306
Send Email
Friday, September 1, 2023 (9:30 AM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)
We'll start setting up tents and supplies around 9/930 and kick off the event by handing out drinks, snacks, and safety materials at 10. Need volunteers to help spread the good safety message: buckle up, slow down, put your phone down and more!
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